We treat dogs and cats as well as exotic pets like rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, avians(birds), turtles and tortoises.

We have a dedicated team of highly qualified veterinarians with diverse specialties ranging from cardiology to exotic animal medicine and orthopaedics to ophthalmology. Our enthusiastic vets are constantly training in various fields nationally and internationally, such as dermatology and endocrinology to offer your pets the best possible medical care.

Further we have qualified surgeons, who along with routine soft tissue, orthopaedic and minimally invasive (eg. laparoscopic surgeries) surgeries, are also performing pioneering procedure in India such as thoracic duct ligations and other cardiothoracic surgeries like PDA ligations, PRAA corrections etc.

We accept cash, credit and debit cards as well as account transfers at all branches of MaxVets.

For routine clinic visits, no appointments are required at any of our branches; however an appointment must be made for surgery. We also encourage that you call beforehand for certain diagnostic tests such as CT scan, echocardiography and ultrasonography.

Groomings are all appointment based so you must take a prior appointment for grooming.

For routine clinic visits, no appointments are required at any of our branches; however an appointment must be made for surgery. We also encourage that you call beforehand for certain diagnostic tests such as CT scan, echocardiography and ultrasonography.

Groomings are all appointment based so you must take a prior appointment for grooming.

We have a 24×7 emergency service at our East of Kailash branch, which is the only veterinary center providing round the clock treatment in Delhi. In case of an emergency after hours, call us at 8860970894 and bring your pet immediately.

We have an inhouse admission facility at our referral center at East of Kailash. We have veterinarians present 24×7 to monitor the admitted patients as well as take care of patients in our critical care unit. We also have specialist surgeons on call for surgical emergencies.

Yes, we have veterinarians as well as assistant staff that are attuned to the specific requirements of cat handling, behavior and most of all treatment. We have isolated areas specifically for cat treatment, admission or critical care at our East of Kailash center, with all equipment (including oxygen cage etc.) needed for the best possible care of your pet cat.

We have complete in house diagnostic testing facility at our referral center in East of Kailash. The diagnostic laboratory has the latest and most accurate hematology and biochemistry analysers as well as facility for urine tests, stool tests, etc. We have Digital Xray, ultrasonography, echocardiography and CT scan available for accurate diagnosis.

We have a fully equipped physiotherapy unit with a trained physiotherapist at our center in East of Kailash. It includes a hydrotherapy pool, underwater treadmill, Low level laser therapy (LLLT), transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation (TENS) etc. all these modalities, when prescribed by a trained veterinarian, allow your pet the fastest possible recovery from surgery and/or injury.

There are many types of anaesthetics used worldwide. At MaxVets we routinely use inhalation anaesthesia (i.e. gas anaesthesia), which is the safest possible method for maintainence of anaesthesia during surgery. We have veterinarians trained specifically in anaesthesia who formulate a protocol specific to your pets individual needs prior to the surgery. Further, our state of the art monitoring equipment allows us to keep a check on all your pets vital parameters like ECG, heart rate, respiration rate etc. during the surgery.

Microchipping is a method of pet identification and is a legal requirement in many countries like United Kingdom etc. but is not a legal requirement in India. We routinely perform microchipping for pets intending to travel to another country, and can microchip any pet if required.

Spaying of female dogs and cats refers to the removal of ovaries either alone or along with uterus. It offers many advantages like eliminating the risk of pyometra, ovarian tumors and unwanted pregnancies. Spaying also helps reduce the risk of mammary tumors, but the extent of prevention depends on the age of the dog at the time of spaying. An intact (not spayed) female has a 50% risk of developing mammary tumors, most of which are malignant. If spayed before the first heat, the risk is reduced to nearly 1% and if done just after 1st heat, it is about 5-8%. After about the 3rd-4th heat, it does not significantly alter the likelihood of developing mammary tumors. Therefore we usually advise spaying of females either before or immediately after the 1st heat.

Neutering male dogs and cats refers to removal of testicles. It prevents diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia and testicular tumors. It is strongly advised in cases of undescended or retained testicles since these organs are at a much higher risk for developing tumors. Neutering is also advised in cases of excess aggression or untrainable patients. The disadvantage of neutering is weight gain and some research shows links with increased incidence of ligament ruptures, particularly cranial cruciate ligament.

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive alternative to routine surgery and can be used for spaying procedures. It means that the incision is much smaller leading to much less tissue damage in the patient and therefore much quicker recovery. We routinely perform laparoscopic spays at MaxVets and have noticed very fast recoveries and much fewer post operative wound complications compared with open (i.e. routine) spays. Please get in touch with us at any of our branches if you have further questions about the procedure.

There are various methods of tick and flea preventions, including tick collars, sprays, powders, spot-ons and injections. The method that is most suitable for your pet depends on his specific needs. Points to consider when choosing a method of prevention include:

  • amount of exposure to ticks and fleas (parks are a source of constant exposure)
  • existing liver or kidney disease (injectables may not be an option)
  • regular swimming or water activities (may render tick collars ineffective)
  • level of tick/flea infestation (combination therapy may be needed for severe cases)

Our vets can help formulate a prevention plan based on your specific needs at any of our branches.

Dogs and cats should be dewormed every 3 months throughout their adult lives. Puppies and kittens require more frequent deworming, nearly once a month till 6 months of age then every 2 months till 1 year of age.

Long haired dogs should be brushed or combed daily to prevent matting of the fur. This also helps keep the hair coat healthier and shinier and helps notice skin lesions sooner. Dental care is also a part of regular grooming. We advise that you brush your dogs teeth about once a day for best dental health. This will require some getting used to for both you and your pet. Slow introductions and persistence are the key to developing a dental care routine both you and your pet can enjoy.

Some long haired cats also require combing and brushing to keep their fur from getting matted. Dental care in cats is harder than for dogs since they do not tolerate tooth brushing as well as dogs. Dental chews can be an alternative in cases where tooth brushing is not an option.

Geriatric pets, just like humans are at higher risk for many diseases and therefore benefit from routine bi-annual check ups and blood work (if required). These can be scheduled at any of our branches at your convenience.

Puppies can start their vaccination protocol at 35-40 days of age while kittens should begin at about 45 days. These can be done at any of our centers. our veterinarians will provide you with a protocol for the following vaccinations at the time of the first vaccine as well as a vaccination card with a full record of all vaccines given to your pet.

Rabbits must always be fed on a diet consisting primarily of hay. Nearly 70% of a rabbits diet should be hay to ensure proper digestive and dental health. The remaining 20% may consist of fresh vegetables fruits and leafy greens, while only about 10% should be pellet feed. They must also always have access to drinking water in their pens.

Anorexia or loss of appetite in rabbits and small rodents like guinea pigs can be a serious problem. it may be a symptom of underlying disease or dental problems but can fast become a life threatening emergency in these species. If your rabbit or guinea pig is not eating, get him/her checked by an exotic specialist as soon as possible. They may run some tests to identify the underlying problem but will be able to show you how to handfeed them to prevent a life threatening situation.

The diet of a bird varies greatly depending on the type and breed of the bird. The most important thing is to identify the bird and then try and mimic the natural diet.

For exotic pets such as African Greys and Macaws, packaged seed mixtures are commercially available at pet shops. Fruits should also be supplemented for parrots. Some birds like African Greys are prone to developing calcium deficiencies and may need supplementation.

A bird sitting isolated with fluffed up feathers is often a sign of systemic disease. If you notice you pet behaving this way, you should contact your vet as soon as possible.

On our website, we have many informative blogs written by our experts which provide information on most clinical conditions or problems. For any further advice please contact any of our vets who would be happy to help.

We have tie-ups with many schools in the city and offer their students career oriented internship experience. you may get in touch with us at any of our branches regarding the same, our staff will be happy to help you.